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On-Belay Plays Role in Uganda’s First Separation of Conjoined Twins
Last week the Ministry of Health Uganda announced a significant surgical milestone for the country. Renewal Healthcare congratulates the team of specialists at Mulago National Specialized Hospital that carried out a successful 22-hour long surgery to separate conjoined twins, a first of its kind in the country. In a special [...]
On-Belay Makes Meaningful Progress in Africa.
The Uganda Embassy finally opened Entebbe Airport to US travel on October 1st so we scrambled. On-Belay had work to do and it was time to go. We were in Africa during the US elections and I was thankful for the reprieve. After five years of gathering supply, shipping, finding [...]
Dr. Julius Ebinu joins On-Belay Missions team
The On-Belay Medical Missions team received a jolt of energy when Dr. Julius Ebinu, M.D., Ph.D. joined our missions team. He made an immediate impact. Dr. Ebinu is a neurosurgeon at UC Davis in Sacramento, CA. He has completed two neurosurgical fellowships; Complex/Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery and Neuro-oncology and has a Ph.D [...]